Saturday, June 21, 2008


Pop quiz! Who was the first president of the United States?

If you answered George Washington then you are WRONG!!!!!

Because I mean just think about it for a second. If the good old United States of America got its independence in 1776, and George Washington wasn't Pres. till 1789, then who the huh was running our country for 13 years???

Well, the answer to that one is 7 other powdered wig wearin' chaps. The first being John Hanson, elected "President of the United States Congress Assembled" (great sounding name, eh?) and you probably don't care about the other 6 (but if you do they're Elias Boudinot, Thomas Mifflin, Richard Henry Lee, Nathan Gorman, Arthur St. Claire, andfinally at seventh Cyrus Griffin). But my point is that George Washington may be first in our hearts, but he's eighth in the history books! (at least he should be)

*Credit to Stupid History by Leland Gregory.*

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